Legal notice

1. Introduction and company information

This constitutes the Legal Notice and Terms of Use that govern access, navigation, and use of the current Website of Metrovacesa, S.A. (hereinafter METROVACESA).
METROVACESA is an entity whose registered office is located at Parque Vía Norte, C/ Quintanavides, 13 28050 Madrid, with tax identification number A87471264. This entity is registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid, at Folio 205, Volume 34.472, Section 8 of Companies, Page M-620015, Registration 690.
To communicate with METROVACESA directly and effectively, you can contact the email address

2. Purpose and scope of application

2.1. The Website has been set up by METROVACESA to allow interested individuals to access and securely perform online searches or requests for information about properties offered by METROVACESA through the Internet.
2.2. Accessing, browsing, and using the Website implies acceptance by the user of this Legal Notice and its Terms of Use.
In this sense, the term “User” refers to the person who accesses, browses, uses, or participates in the services and activities, whether free or paid, carried out on the Website.
2.3. This Legal Notice aims to regulate the access, navigation, and use of the Website. Nevertheless, METROVACESA may establish particular conditions governing the use, reservation, and/or contracting of specific products or services offered to Users through the Website. Before using, booking, and/or contracting such specific products or services offered by METROVACESA, the User must carefully read the specific conditions set up for that purpose by METROVACESA. Using, booking, and/or contracting such products or services implies acceptance of the particular conditions that regulate them in the version published by METROVACESA at the time such use, reservation, and/or contract occurs.


3.1. Access to the Website by Users is free. However, services and/or content offered by METROVACESA through the Website that require prior booking and/or contracting and payment will be subject to the corresponding Specific Conditions, made available to the User beforehand in a clear and easily accessible manner.
3.2. Access to the Website by minors is prohibited unless they have the prior explicit authorization of their parents, guardians, or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for the acts carried out by the minors they are in charge of, according to current regulations. In any case, it will be assumed that a minor’s access to the Website has been made with prior and explicit authorization from their parents, guardians, or legal representatives.
3.3. Access and browsing through the Website do not require registration. However, if the User requests information through the website, it must be done using the “Contact Form” on this Website, which will involve the User providing their email and message.


4.1. METROVACESA owns or has obtained the relevant license for the exploitation rights of intellectual and industrial property of the Website, as well as the intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents, services, and products available through it.
Under no circumstances should it be understood that the User’s access and browsing or the purchase of METROVACESA products offered through the Website imply a waiver, transmission, license, or total or partial assignment of these rights by METROVACESA.
4.2. Consequently, it is not allowed to delete, bypass, or manipulate the copyright notice and any other identifying data of METROVACESA’s rights or its owners integrated into the contents and products, as well as the technical protection devices, digital fingerprints, watermarks, or any other information and/or identification mechanisms they might contain.
4.3. All intellectual and industrial property rights are reserved, and in particular, it is prohibited to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, transform, publicly communicate, make secondary or subsequent publications, upload files, send by mail, transmit, use, treat, or distribute in any way all or part of the contents and products included on the Website for public or commercial purposes unless you have the express written authorization of METROVACESA or, if applicable, the holder of the corresponding rights.


5.1. The contents included on the Website are provided to individuals browsing the Web and to those interested in the content and products offered by METROVACESA. Any unauthorized commercial use of them is prohibited unless there is prior written authorization from METROVACESA.
5.2. Therefore, the User agrees to use the contents diligently, correctly, and lawfully and, in particular, agrees to refrain from:
• Using the contents for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morality, and generally accepted good practices or public order.
• Reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing public access through any form of public communication, transforming, or modifying the contents, unless you have the authorization of the holder of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
• Using the contents and, in particular, the information of any kind obtained through the Website or services to send advertising, communications for direct sales


6.1. In the event that the User sends any type of information to METROVACESA through the Website, using the channels provided for this purpose on the page itself, the User declares, guarantees, and accepts that they have the right to do so freely, that such information does not infringe any intellectual property rights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, or any other third-party rights, that such information is not confidential, and that it is not harmful to third parties.
6.2. The User acknowledges their responsibility and will hold METROVACESA harmless from any communication they provide personally or on their behalf, with this responsibility covering, without restriction, the accuracy, legality, originality, and ownership of the information.


7.1. METROVACESA cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness, or truthfulness of the services or information provided through the Website, nor the usefulness or truthfulness of the documentation accessible through the Website.
Consequently, METROVACESA does not guarantee and is not responsible for: (i) the continuity of the Website’s content; (ii) the absence of errors in such content or products; (iii) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on the Website or on the server that provides it; (iv) the invulnerability of the Website and/or the impossibility of breaching the security measures adopted on it; (v) the lack of usefulness or performance of the content and products of the Website; (vi) damages caused to oneself or a third party by anyone violating the terms, rules, and instructions set by METROVACESA on the Website or by breaching the Website’s security systems.
However, METROVACESA states that it has taken all necessary measures, within its capabilities and current technology, to ensure the Website’s functionality and to prevent the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users.
7.2. METROVACESA will not be liable in cases where third parties advertise their services or products on the Website, for the accuracy of the information provided by the supplier about such services or products, the management and delivery of orders to Users, obtaining administrative authorizations that might be required for the provider to offer their services, the provider’s infringement of third-party rights, and, in general, any obligation or warranty required from the provider towards the Users.


8.1 Links to other Websites
If Users can find links to other websites on the Website through various buttons, links, banners, etc., these are managed by third parties. METROVACESA does not have the capacity or the human or technical means to be aware of, control, or approve all the information, content, products, or services provided by other websites that might be linked from the Website.
Consequently, METROVACESA cannot assume any responsibility for any aspect related to the website that might be linked from the Website, specifically, but not limited to, its functioning, access, data, information, files, quality, and reliability of its products and services, its own links, and/or any of its content in general.
In this sense, if Users become aware of any unlawful activities carried out through these third-party websites, they should immediately notify METROVACESA so the link to them can be disabled.
Establishing any type of link from the Website to an external website does not imply any relationship, collaboration, or dependency between METROVACESA and the person responsible for the external website.
8.2 Links on other websites directed to the Website
If any User, entity, or website wishes to establish some type of link directed to the Website, they must adhere to the following stipulations:
• The link can only direct to the main page or homepage of the Website unless expressly and in writing authorized by METROVACESA.
• The link must be absolute and complete, meaning it must, with a click, take the User directly to the Website’s URL and must fully cover the entire extension of the Website’s main page. Under no circumstances, unless METROVACESA expressly and in writing authorizes it, can the website creating the link reproduce the Website in any way, include it as part of its website, or within one of its “frames”, or create a “browser” on any of the Website’s pages.
• On the page establishing the link, it cannot be stated in any way that METROVACESA has authorized such a link, unless METROVACESA has expressly done so in writing. If the entity that establishes the link from its page to the Website correctly wishes to include on its website the brand, name, trade name, label, logo, slogan, or any other type of identifying element of METROVACESA and/or the Website, they must first obtain its express written consent.
• METROVACESA does not authorize the establishment of a link to the Website from those websites that contain illegal, illicit, degrading, obscene materials, content, or information, and in general, those that violate morality, public order, or generally accepted social standards.
METROVACESA does not have the capacity or the human and technical means to know, control, or approve all the information, content, products, or services provided by other websites that have established links directed to the Website. METROVACESA does not assume any responsibility for any aspect related to the website that establishes that link directed to the Website, specifically, but not limited to, its functioning, access, data, information, files, quality, and reliability of its products and services, its own links, and/or any of its content in general.


9.1. METROVACESA may modify the terms and conditions stipulated here, either wholly or partially, by publishing any change in the same way this Legal Notice appears or through any form of communication addressed to the Users.
9.2. The temporal validity of this Legal Notice, therefore, coincides with its display time, until it is wholly or partially modified, at which point the modified Legal Notice will become effective.
9.3. Regardless of the provisions in the specific conditions, METROVACESA may terminate, suspend, or interrupt access to the Website’s content at any time without prior notice, with the User having no right to claim any compensation. After such termination, the prohibitions on the use of the content previously outlined in this Legal Notice will still apply.


10.1. The headings of the various clauses are for information only and will not affect, qualify, or expand the interpretation of this Legal Notice.
10.2. In case of discrepancy between what is established in this Legal Notice and the specific conditions of each particular service, the latter will prevail.
10.3. If any provision or provisions of this Legal Notice were considered null or inapplicable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal, or competent administrative body, such nullity or inapplicability will not affect the other provisions of this Legal Notice.
10.4. METROVACESA’s failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision contained in this Legal Notice shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless recognized and agreed to in writing.


 The relations established between METROVACESA and the User will be governed by the provisions of the current regulations regarding applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction. However, for cases in which the regulations provide the possibility for the parties to submit to a forum, METROVACESA and the User, expressly waiving any other forum that might correspond to them, will submit any disputes and/or litigation to the knowledge of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.

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